السجل 1 الى 1 من 1 من RCT
اختيار الكل
  • ART : 30295 : Not available for external loan
    Between martyrdom and silence: dissent, duress, and persecution as the suppression of human rights under the Refugee Convention
    اللُّغَةُ الإِنْجِلِيزِيَّة
    Oxford University Press
    persecution | risk of torture | asylum | political opposition | legal protection | refugee law | retaliation | visibility | martyrdom | human rights violations | intimidation | evidence standards | UN. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) | fear | decision making | rights-based approach | social group discrimination | self censorship | victimhood | returnees | inhuman treatment | case law | minority groups | credibility | national courts' role | homosexuals | conscientious objectors | religious minorities | universal
    International journal of refugee law ; vol. 33, no. 1