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Geographical terms and codes : S | |
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Saharan Arab Democratic Republic USE Western Sahara | Saint Helena5452 | Saint Kitts and Nevis6150 | Saint Lucia6151 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon [France]6352 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines6153 | Samoa9026 | San Marino8044 | Sao Tome and Principe5153 | Saudi Arabia7345 | Scotland USE United Kingdom | Senegal5554 | Serbia040364 | Serbia (as from June 2006). Before, use Serbia and Montenegro (February 2003-June 2006). Before February 2003 use Yugoslavia | Serbia and Montenegro040362 | Serbia and Montenegro NOTE used from February 2003 until June 2006. Before, use Yugoslavia. After, use Serbia OR Montenegro | Seychelles5455 | Sierra Leone5556 | Singapore7546 | Slovakia8065 | Slovenia8066 | Solomon Islands9027 | Somalia5257 | South Africa5458 | South America6400 | South Asia7400 | South Asia (until June 2001) After, use South-central Asia | South-east Asia7500 | South-east Asia (until June 2001) After, use South-eastern Asia | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands020370 | South-central Asia7400 | South-eastern Asia7500 | Southern Africa5400 | Southern Europe0403 | Spain8045 | Sri Lanka7447 | Sudan5259 | Suriname6454 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands [Norway]040255 | Swaziland (until April 2018). After, USE Eswatini | Swaziland5460 | Sweden8046 | Switzerland8047 | Syrian Arab Republic7348 | South Sudan010368 | South-central Asia NOTE used since June 2001. Before, use Central Asia OR South Asia | Serbia NOTE used since June 2006. Before, use Serbia and Montenegro (February 2003 until June 2006). Before February 2003, use Yugoslavia | South-eastern Asia NOTE used since June 2001. Before, use South-east Asia | |