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ART : 19486 : Not available for external loan | |
Denmark : joint NGO submission in connection with Denmark's mid-term reporting on the implementation of the 2011 UPR recommendations, January 2014 | |
English | |
20140100 | |
Danish Institute for Human Rights | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | United States | universal human rights protection system | family reunification | immigrants | health services accessibility | policing | pre-trial detention | children in conflict with the law | detainees | statistical information | minority groups | statelessness | diplomatic assurances | racism | refoulement | unaccompanied refugee minors | expulsion | refugee law | immigration detention centres | rejected asylum seekers | deportation | aliens | international cooperation | counterterrorism | xenophobia | development aid | state compliance | discrimination | human rights | children | treaties | international human rights law | reservations | disabled persons | economic, social and cultural rights | disappearances | migrant workers | law reform | civil society | domestic incorporation | torture criminalisation | domestic status | criminal law | rape | sexual abuse | complaint procedures | domestic violence | prostitution | indigenous groups | extraordinary rendition | |
Full text | |
Børnesagens Fællesråd | Danish Law Enforcement Union | Danish Medical Association | Danish Red Cross | Danish Refugee Council | Danish-Russian Association | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | Disabled Peoples Organisation Denmark | European Anti-Poverty Network | LGBT Denmark | Save the Children Denmark | Street Lawyers | United Nations Association Denmark | |