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MON : 2014.033 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture and moral integrity : a philosophical enquiry | |
20140000 | |
Oxford University | |
Kramer, Matthew H. | |
978-0-19-871420-0 | |
universal | United States | torture | morality | philosophy | debate | torture justifiability | conflict | torture definition | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | Davis, Michael | torture victims | Kershnar, Stephen | Miller, Seumas | Sussman, David | interrogation | counterterrorism | Steinhoff, Uwe | Kamm, Frances | Hill, Daniel | torture purposes | Nagel, Thomas | absolute prohibition of torture | Meisels, Tamar | Shue, Henry | Waldron, Jeremy | Luban, David | Scarry, Elaine | Kreimer, Seth | determinants | retaliation | Dershowitz, Alan | Posner, Eric | Vermeule, Adrian | Waldron, Jeremy | interrogation techniques | accountability | individual responsibility | state responsibility | ECHR-3 | |