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  • ART : 22770 : Not available for external loan
    Allegations of maltreatment in custody
    universal | torture | torture methods | death in custody | killings | physical violence | physical effects | forensic medicine | wounds and injuries | diagnostic techniques and procedures | etiology | forensic evaluation of torture | evidence of torture | mutilation | nail removal [torture method] | bone fractures | radiology | bone breaking [torture method] | squeezing [torture method] | neurological effects | tean zu [torture method] | squeeze fingers [torture method] | amputation | suspension [torture method] | fingers | finger injuries | toes | carpal fractures | falanga [torture method] | ligaments | prisons | prisoners | brain injuries | foot injuries | radionuclide imaging | diagnostic imaging | arm injuries | leg injuries | shoulder fractures | palmatoria [torture method] | periosteum | hematoma | tomography | beatings | rib fractures | death cause | face | asphyxia | cartilage fractures | larynx | positional torture | ultrasonography | magnetic resonance imaging | electric torture | electroshock | tasers | submarino [torture method] | deprivation [torture method] | burns | sexual torture | diagnosis, differential | ankle injuries | review [publication type]
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 45