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  • ART : 23569 : Not available for external loan
    Does spending on refugees make a difference? : a cross-sectional study of the association between refugee program spending and health outcomes in 70 sites in 17 countries
    BioMed Central
    Burundi | Bangladesh | Central African Republic | Djibouti | Ethiopia | Kenya | Namibia | Nepal | Rwanda | Sudan | Chad | Thailand | Tanzania, United Republic of | Uganda | Yemen | Zambia | health policy | adult | Burundi refugees | Rwandan refugees | Bhutanese refugees | Sudanese refugees | Somali refugees | Eritrean refugees | Burmese refugees | Congolese refugees | refugee camps | humanitarian aid | child mortality | health expenditures | programme evaluation | epidemiology | mortality | intergovernmental organisations | UNHCR | displaced persons | asylum seekers | refugees | statistical information | cross-national comparison
    Conflict and health ; vol. 10