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MON : 2017.136 : Not available for external loan | |
The (in)visibilities of torture : political torture and visual evidence in U.S. and Chilean fiction cinema (2004-2014) | |
20160300 | |
University of Warwick | |
Jung, Berenike Christiane | |
Chile | United States | torture representation | academic dissertation [publication type] | transitional justice | truth commissions | cross-national comparison | state terror | war on terror | cruelty | visibility | photography | Nostalgia por la luz (2010, film) | NO (2012, film, Chile) | Post Mortem (2010, film, Chile) | Tony Manero (2008, film, Chile) | Los 80 (2008-2014, television series, Chile) | Los Archivos del Cardenal (2011-, television series, Chile) | Homeland (2011-, television series, United States) | 24 (2001-2010, television series, United States) | film criticism | Body of Lies (2008, film) | Syriana (2005, film) | Rendition (2007, film) | Zero Dark Thirty (2012, thriller, United States) | memorialisation | emotional trauma | visual culture | credibility | epistemology | ethics | truth | emotions | affect | social effects | documentation of torture | mass media | television | film | fictional works | |
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