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  • TORT : 16.1.2 : Not available for external loan
    Mental health interventions and priorities for research for adult survivors of torture and systematic violence : a review of the literature
    universal | torture victims treatment | review [publication type] | treatment models | randomised controlled trials | evidence-based practice | case studies | victim services | treatment outcome | PTSD | depression, major | anxiety | psychotherapy | torture victims | mental health | prevalence of torture | refugees | symptoms | functioning | personality disorders | substance abuse | psychological stress | social stress | social isolation | stress management | empowerment | dance-movement therapy | biofeedback training | testimonial therapy | social work | pain management | traditional medicine, Chinese | panic disorder | narrative exposure therapy | EMDR | cognitive therapy | psychosocial interventions | drug therapy | combined modality therapy | physiotherapy | interdisciplinary treatment approach | counselling | psychoeducation | psychotherapy, psychodynamic
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 26, no. 1