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TORT : 19.1.6 : Not available for external loan | |
The Istanbul Protocol : a global stakeholder survey on past experiences, current practices and additional norm setting | |
English | |
20190000 | |
IRCT | |
Haar, Rohini J. | Lin, James | Modvig, Jens | Iacopino, Vincent | |
Istanbul Protocol | medical documentation of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | standards | practice guidelines | criminal investigation | evaluation studies | social surveys | attitude | reform | antitorture movement | attitude of health personnel | advocacy | training | NGOs | intergovernmental organisations | UN treaty bodies | lawyers | human rights defenders | purposes | drafting history | international cooperation | DIGNITY projects | DIGNITY staff publications | universal | |
Full text | |
Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 29, no. 1 | |