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    Human dignity in the EU
    Springer Nature
    human dignity | economic, social and cultural rights | civil and political rights | right to integrity | ECHR-3 | EUCFR-5 | EUCFR-3 | EUCFR-2 | EUCFR-1 | constitutional law | refugee law | asylum | national law | standards | EUCFR-4 | EU. Charter of Fundamental Rights (2000) | case law | prison conditions | deportation | expulsion | risk of torture | absolute prohibition of torture | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | conflicting norms | comparative law | crossnational analysis | EU law | Europe
    Handbook of human dignity in Europe / Paolo Becchi, Klaus Mathis (eds.). - ISBN: 978-3-319-28081-3