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ART : 26155 : Not available for external loan | |
Forced solar gazing - a common technique of torture? | |
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Nature Publishing Group | |
Fetherston, Tim | |
solar gazing [torture method] | Istanbul Protocol | medicolegal reports | retinal abnormalities | signs and symptoms | mental recall | rape | Congolese refugees | torture methods | forensic evaluation of torture | retraumatisation | comorbidity | etiology | visual acuity | retinal injuries | physical examination | dissociation | avoidance | diagnostic techniques, ophthalmologic | anxiety | eye injuries | PTSD | depression | psychological effects of torture | sexual abuse | physical abuse | combined modality torture | Sudanese refugees | torture victims | Freedom from Torture (organisation) | practice patterns, medical | retrospective studies | United Kingdom | Sudan | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | |
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Eye ; vol. 34, no. 10 | |