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  • MON : 2020.024 : Not available for external loan
    Textbook of cultural psychiatry
    Cambridge University
    universal | psychiatry | social stress | elderly | refugees | gender dysphoria | intellectual disability | suicide | psychological interventions | cross-cultural aspects | psychotherapy | drug therapy | cross-cultural comparison | cultural diversity | mental health services | doctor-patient relations | psychotherapeutic processes | sexual disorders | psychological models | emotional trauma | aging | adolescent psychiatry | child psychiatry | eating disorders | obsessive-compulsive disorder | personality disorders | suicidal ideation | substance-related disorders | race | depression | affective disorders | schizophrenic psychology | body | suffering | dissociative disorders | fear | anxiety | neurotic disorders | behaviour | belief systems | social identification | acculturation | epidemiology | culture-bound syndromes | human development | sociocultural factors | mental disorders | social inequality | ethnicity | health care delivery | cultural competency | telemedicine | social media | globalisation | life style | spirituality | psychology | violence | suicide | mental health | anthropology | historical aspects | culture