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  • ART : 28006 : Not available for external loan
    Evaluations of alleged torture and ill treatment in Thailand : a collection of forensic medical evidence by non-medical evaluators
    forensic evaluation of torture | evidence of torture | detention | expert testimony | non medical evaluation reports | access to a doctor | impartiality principle | access to prisons | documentation of torture | lawyer's role | torture method-effect correlation | Istanbul Protocol | training of lawyers | NGO approaches | Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) | physical examination | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | torture methods | torture victim characteristics | perpetrator characteristics | gunshot wounds | bone fractures | lacerations | bruises | edema | burning [torture method] | pain | physical effects of torture | humiliation | sexual abuse | forced nudity | positional torture | beatings | solitary confinement | threats | legal confessions | psychological torture | prison overcrowding | prison conditions | paramilitaries | armed forces | police | torture patterns | Thailand
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 75