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  • MON : 2021.013 : Not available for external loan
    Stories from the field : a guide to navigating fieldwork in political science
    Columbia University
    universal | Italy | Colombia | South Sudan | Brazil | Spain | Western Asia | China | France | South-central Asia | El Salvador | Iraq | India | Malawi | Zambia | Syrian Arab Republic | Jordan | Afghanistan | Lebanon | Greece | Egypt | Sierra Leone | Palestine, State of | Israel | Burkina Faso | Russian Federation | Ukraine | Mali | United States | Western Africa | research methodology | criminals | trust | former combatants | fascists | ethnographic methods | personal safety | accountability | research ethics | social identification | racism | bias | civil war | social networks | bureaucracy | interdisciplinary communication | interpersonal relations | gender discrimination | data encryption | Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) | Internet | secrecy | information retrieval | archives | credibility assessment | insurgents | terrorists | research subject characteristics | communication barriers | interviewing | researcher-subject relations | warfare | data sources | data security | insurgencies | economics | New York (United States) | developed countries | developing countries | urban areas | social surveys | research design | food | gender aspects | emotions | political science | data collection methods | field work