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  • ART : 29064 : Not available for external loan
    Social and emotional wellbeing (SEW) intervention for mental health promotion among resettled Bhutanese adults in Massachusetts
    United States | Bhutanese refugees, adult | health promotion | mental health | resettlement | well-being | postmigration aspects | psychosocial interventions | behaviour therapy | adaptation | social networking | conflict resolution | psychological stress | anxiety therapy | depression, major therapy | community-based interventions | problem solving | mind-body therapies | stress management | self-help techniques | treatment outcome | mindfulness | programme evaluation | refugee aid | psychometrics | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) | Cohen Perceived Stress Scale | Lubben Social Network Scale-Revised (LSNS-R) | Coping Strategies Inventory-Short Form (CSI-SF) | Family Conflict Resolution Scale (FCRS) | Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) | social support | family relations
    Community mental health journal ; vol. 57, no. 7