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  • ART : 29104 : Not available for external loan
    Measures of depression, generalized anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorders amongst Yazidi female survivors of ISIS slavery and violence
    BioMed Central
    torture victims, female | genocide survivors, female | former prisoners, female | Yazidis, female | mental health status | mental disorders epidemiology | depressive disorder epidemiology | generalised anxiety disorder epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | suicidal ideation epidemiology | refugee camps | displaced persons, female | prevalence | risk factors | unemployment | protective factors | siblings | emotional trauma | honour | cross-sectional study [publication type] | comparative study [publication type] | psychometrics | Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) | Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) | Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire part IV (HTQ part IV) | Iraq
    International journal of mental health systems ; vol. 14, no. 1