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  • ART : 29323 : Not available for external loan
    Social bonds in the diaspora : the application of social control theory to Somali refugee young adults in resettlement
    American Psychological Association
    United States | Canada | Somali refugees, young adult | social control, informal | migration effects | interpersonal relations | antisocial behaviour epidemiology | incidence | criminal behaviour | radicalisation to violence | social cohesion | determinants of perpetration | life change events | determinants of violence | traumatic exposure | exposure to warfare | exposure to violence | social discrimination | social disconnection | sex factors | time factors | postmigration factors | needs assessment | violence prevention | attitude to violence | psychometrics | Delinquency Scale-17 | Activism and Radicalism Intention Scales (ARIS) | War Trauma Screening Scale (WTSS) | My Exposure to Violence scale | Every Day Discrimination Scale | Collective Efficacy Scale | Psychological Sense of Community Membership scale
    Psychology of violence ; vol. 10, no. 1