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MON : 2021.057 : Not available for external loan | |
Rights of families of disappeared persons : how international bodies address the needs of families of disappeared persons in Europe | |
English | |
20210000 | |
Intersentia | |
Baranowska, Grażyna | |
978-1-83970-137-5 | |
disappearances | disappeared persons | family members of disappeared persons | legal protection | human rights | reparations | right to an effective remedy | state obligations | regional human rights protection systems | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | case law | international legal instruments | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | jurisdiction ratione temporis | definitions | terminology | complaint admissibility | continuous human rights violations | evidence standards | ECHR-2 | right to life | ECHR-38 | victimhood | ECHR-3 | time factors | state responsibility | right to the truth | procedural justice | ECHR-8 | universal human rights protection system | UN. Human Rights Committee | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | emergencies | postconflict situations | international human rights law | international criminal law | national legal instruments | peacekeeping operations | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | ICTY | UN. Committee on Enforced Disappearances | UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances | human rights monitoring | complaint procedures, individual | complaint procedures, inter-state | reporting procedures | state compliance | Europe | Cyprus | Kosovo | Slovenia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Russian Federation | Turkey | |