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  • ART : 30316 : Not available for external loan
    Cohort profile: biological pathways of risk and resilience in Syrian refugee children (BIOPATH)
    Lebanon | cohort studies | Syrian refugees, child | psychological resilience | mental health status | traumatic exposure | well-being | risk factors | protective factors | coping behaviour | family | parent-child relations | social support | communities | refugee aid | epigenesis, genetic | biomarkers | exposure to violence | exposure to warfare | war victims, child | research subject selection | research subject characteristics | PTSD | externalising symptoms | personality traits | self-esteem | social environment | social services accessibility | depressive disorder epidemiology | anxiety disorders epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | child behaviour disorders epidemiology | prevalence | comorbidity | child abuse effects | child of impaired parents | social determinants of mental health
    Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology ; vol. 57, no. 4