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ART : 30365 : Not available for external loan | |
Substance use, affective symptoms, and suicidal ideation among Russian, Somali, and Kurdish migrants in Finland | |
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20220200 | |
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Salama, Essi | Castaneda, Anu E. | Suvisaari, Jaana | Rask, Shadia | Laatikainen, Tiina | Niemelä, Solja | |
Finland | suicidal ideation | ethnic minorities | Russian immigrants | Somali refugees | Kurdish refugees | developed countries | affective symptoms | comorbidity | substance use | risk factors | alcohol drinking | smoking | cannabis | cross-cultural comparison | Finns | age distribution | sex distribution | employment status | marital status | language | psychometrics | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 59, no. 1 | |