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ART : 30872 : Not available for external loan | |
Hierarchies of being human : intergroup dehumanization and its implication in present-day South Africa | |
English | |
20220800 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Fourie, Melike M. | Deist, Melanie | Moore-Berg, Samantha L. | |
South Africa | intergroup relations | dehumanisation | conflict | racism | transition to democracy | apartheid | long-term effects | social hierarchies | Social Dominance Orientation Scale | Social Distance Scale | Intergroup Contact Scale | Dehumanization Scale | Outgroup Petitions Scale | Collective Action Support Scale | Feeling Thermometer | Meta-Dehumanization Scale | psychometrics | Whites | Blacks | social inequality | social justice | prejudice | belief systems | interpersonal relations | protective factors | social discrimination | |
Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; vol. 28, no. 3 | |