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  • ART : 32924 : Not available for external loan
    Report of civil society organisations to the seventh periodic report of Spain to the United Nations Committee Against Torture
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture criminalisation | torture prevention effectiveness | police oversight effectiveness | Ceuta (Spain) | Melilla (Spain) | racism effects | police violence prevention effectiveness | impunity for torture | border control | prosecution for torture effectiveness | universal jurisdiction | right to rehabilitation after torture | physical restraint | medical examination on admission | prisoner transfer | immigration detention centres | training of prison personnel | Istanbul Protocol | domestic implementation | state compliance | Spain
    SiRa-Centro de Atención a Víctimas de Malos Tratos y Tortura | Iridia. Centro para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos | Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya | Asociación Pro-Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (APDHA) | Asociación Pro-Derechos Humanos - España (APDHE) | Mundo en Movimiento | Centro de Documentación de la Tortura (CDDT) | Salhaketa Nafarroa | Asociación de Derecho Penitenciario Rebeca Santamalia | Observatori del Sistema Penal i els Drets Humans | Solidary Wheels | SOS Racismo Madrid | La Comuna, Asociación de Presos y Represaliados por la Dictadura Franquista