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ART : 33307 : Not available for external loan | |
Impactos de la violencia política y tortura en el cuerpo social y comunitario en comunidades mapuche en Chile : informe alternativo Mapuche : una contribución al sexto informe periódico de Chile ante el Comité contra la Tortura de las Naciones Unidas | |
Spanish | |
20180600 | |
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | indigenous groups victimisation | police violence effects | repression | counterinsurgencies | historical aspects | contextual analysis | communities victimisation | child victimisation | adolescent victimisation | persecution | impunity | disappearances | hunger strikes | counterterrorism | retraumatisation | collective trauma | cultural violence | spiritual healing | land tenure | displacement effects | suffering | suicide | exposure to violence effects | domestic implementation | state compliance | Chile | |
Full text (via OHCHR) | |
Comision Mapuche de Derechos Humanos | Auspice Stella | Enlace Mapuche Internationcional | |