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  • ART : 27722 : Not available for external loan
    Submission of the International Commission of Jurists to the UN Committee Against Torture in view of the Committee’s examination of Tajikistan’s third periodic report under article 19 of the Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : 63rd session of the UN Committee Against Torture, 23 April to 18 May 2018
    International Commission of Jurists
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | punishment for torture effectiveness | accountability for torture effectiveness | amnesties | statute of limitations | detainee rights | access to lawyer | medical examination | cases | NGO-government relations | attitude to human rights defenders | sexual minorities victimisation | juvenile justice | domestic violence | military personnel victimisation | hazing | reparations for torture | evidence admissibility | criminal investigation of torture effectiveness | prison conditions | prison oversight | death in custody | detention centres | surveillance | state compliance | domestic implementation | Tajikistan
    International Commission of Jurists