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  • MON : 1987.085 : Not available for external loan
    South Africa : Amnesty International briefing
    Amnesty International
    political violence | death penalty | abduction | death under torture | death in custody | legal proceedings | torture effects | torture methods | death cause | cases | death in custody | civil responsibility | civil proceedings | waterboarding | hair pulling | head banging against the wall | death from torture | whipping [torture method] | pressing and crushing [torture method] | medical doctor's role | patient advocacy | Orr, Wendy | legal proceedings | medical evidence of torture | emergency legislation | police personnel | immunity from prosecution | torture method-effect correlation | rectum | sexual abuse | political detainees, adolescent | eye injuries | tympanic membrane injuries | physical effects of torture | suicide, attempted | mental health status | psychological effects of torture | solitary confinement | dancing | singing | clergy | forced nudity | toilet deprivation | degrading treatment | humiliation | temperature, cold | climatic stress [torture method] | sleep deprivation [torture method] | weight-bearing | standing position [torture method] | asphyxia | handcuffing | beatings | suspension [torture method] | torture method terminology | death threats | mock executions | electric torture | sensory deprivation | hooding [torture method] | torture victim characteristics | torture purposes | incommunicado detention | political detainees | torture allegations | cases | interrogation | prisoner punishment | prisoner discipline | urban areas | arbitrary arrest and detention | state of emergency | extrajudicial executions | killings | police violence | government policy | apartheid | socioeconomic factors | human rights violations | riots | protest | South Africa
    Amnesty International (AI)