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  • ART : 02259 : Not available for external loan
    Children and apartheid
    child abuse | boycott | medical doctor's role | human rights conditionality | human rights campaigns | Psychiatric Association of South Africa | South African Paediatric Association | Medical Association of South Africa (MASA) | corporal punishment | medical societies | practice guidelines | medical complicity in torture | PTSD | mental disorders | epidemiology | mental health status | policing | political violence | psychological effects of torture | repression | killings | incommunicado detention | political detainees, child | prevalence of torture | torture victims, adolescent | state of emergency | legal confessions | solitary confinement | torture methods | police violence | death in custody | child mortality | morgue | environmental stress | forced nudity | humiliation | death threats | temperature, cold | climatic stress [torture method] | asphyxia | electric torture | beatings | torture victims, child | juvenile detainees | conference report [publication type] | apartheid | South Africa
    BMJ ; vol. 297, no. 6646