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  • ART : 07041 : Not available for external loan
    Report on torture applying in Nizhny Novgorod region
    Nizhny Novgorod Society for Human Rights
    human rights violations | torture | torture victims | detention | detainees | police | agents responsible for violations | national law | criminal law | legal proceedings | prison conditions | Russian Federation | statistical information | human rights violations | torture | torture victims | detention | detainees | police | agents responsible for violations | national law | criminal law | legal proceedings | prison conditions | beatings | stretching [torture method] | torture methods | asphyxia | elephant [torture method] | electroshock | cases | death in custody
    Nizhny Novgorod Society for Human Rights : information and analytical center / Nizhny Novgorod Society for Human Rights
    Nizhny Novgorod Society for Human Rights. Information and Analytical Center