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  • ART : 07612 : Not available for external loan
    Mental health, social functioning, and attitudes of Kosovar Albanians following the war in Kosovo
    American Medical Association
    Yugoslavia | Kosovo | statistical information | armed conflict | internal conflict | ethnic conflict | mental health | health status | psychiatry | ethnic and national groups | displaced persons | youth | women | elderly | Albanians | Serbs | PTSD | General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 20 | MOS-20 | retaliation | Hate | psychological effects | men | adult | attitude | cross-sectional studies | cluster analysis | logistic models | morbidity | multivariate analysis | questionnaires | social adjustment | epidemiology
    JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association ; vol. 284, no. 5