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  • MON : 2002.051 : Not available for external loan
    War or health? : a reader
    International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
    universal | Mozambique | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Western Africa | Croatia | Yugoslavia | Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of | USSR | Kosovo | Middle East | armed conflict | health | peace | health personnel | mass media | armed forces | technology | population | civilian population | death | economics | health services | children | women | rape | violence against women | mental health | elderly | disabled persons | psychology | torture | language | communication | mass media | peace keeping | peace | environment | international humanitarian law | treaties | national security | conflict resolution | conflict prevention | foreign policy | intergovernmental organisations | NGOs | civil society | periodicals | case studies | military medicine | weapons | small arms | land mines | nuclear weapons | veterans | trauma | terrorism | alcohol drinking | International Criminal Court (ICC) | International Criminal Court (ICC) | ICC | negotiation | United Nations | United Nations | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) | humanitarian aid | forensic medicine | Medecins Sans Frontieres | MSF | Physicians for Human Rights | PHR | Amnesty International (AI) | Operation Handicap International | International Peace Research Association | physical restraint instruments | riot control