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ART : 20142 : Not available for external loan | |
Consequences of torture and organised violence among children and youth from the Middle East | |
English | |
20140000 | |
Cambridge Scholars | |
Montgomery, Edith | |
Denmark | Middle East | children | refugees | asylum seekers | family relations | psychology | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | adolescents | PTSD | psychological effects | social adjustment | cases | second generation | offspring | mental health | organised violence | intergenerational effects | intergenerational effects | DIGNITY staff publications | |
Nordic work with traumatised refugees : do we really care? / Gwynyth Overland, Eugene Curibye, Birgit Lie (eds.). - ISBN: 978-1-4438-6136-6 | |
Shelf:1 • On loan:0. View and order | |