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  • MON : 2005.191 : Not available for external loan
    Physical medicine and rehabilitation : principles and practice, vol. II: Rehabilitation medicine
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    universal | disability evaluation | rehabilitation medicine | activities of daily living | transplantation | low vision | burns | respiratory therapy | cardiac rehabilitation | HIV/AIDS | neoplasms | multiple sclerosis | spinal cord injuries | brain injuries | stroke rehabilitation | intestinal diseases | urinary bladder, neurogenic | sexuality | women | elderly | disabled persons | children | fibromyalgia | hypokinesia | physical restraint | movement disorders | muscle spasticity | gait disorders | shoes | orthotic devices | self-help devices | technology | wheelchairs | nutrition | emergency medicine | drug therapy | quality of life | outcome assessment (health care) | classification | measurement | clinical ethics | vocational rehabilitation | referral and consultation | patient care team | hearing disorders | deglutition disorders | communication barriers | speech therapy | psychology