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MON : 2005.198 : Not available for external loan | |
UN Human Rights Committee decisions on communications from Sri Lanka | |
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20050800 | |
ALRC | |
case law | UN treaty bodies | civil and political rights | disappeared persons | torture | freedom of expression | impunity | fair trial | Sri Lanka | UN. Human Rights Committee | HRC | ICCPR-9-1 | ICCPR-14-3-c | ICCPR-19 | ICCPR-14-1 | ICCPR-5 | ICCPR-14-2 | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | ICCPR-1 | ICCPR-14-1 | ICCPR-3-c | ICCPR-14-g | ICCPR-2-3 | ICCPR-7 | ICCPR-9 | ICCPR-9-1 | ICCPR-10 | |
Asian Legal Resource Centre (ed.) | ALRC | |