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  • ART : 32327 : Not available for external loan
    Tunisian democratisation : dashed hopes between 2010 and 2022
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | transition to democracy effectiveness | authoritarianism | politics | economic conditions | political conditions | revolutions | state (political entity) | legal subjects | attitude to democracy | public opinion
    Journal of North African studies ; vol. 28, no. 6
  • ART : 32325 : Not available for external loan
    US democracy promotion in the Maghreb : much ventured, little gained
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | United States | Morocco | Libya | Algeria | democracy promotion effectiveness | authoritarianism | politics | political reform | transition to democracy effectiveness | aid policy | development aid effectiveness | international cooperation | Biden, Joe (Administration of) | Obama, Barack (Administration of) | Bush, George W (Administration of)
    Journal of North African studies ; vol. 28, no. 6
  • ART : 32040 : Not available for external loan
    Great for constitution writing but an obstacle to democratic consolidation : the ephemeral value of the Hare Quota formula in Tunisia's parliamentary elections
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | political representation | accountability | government | coallitions | political parties | transition to democracy | electoral systems
    Representation: journal of representative democracy ; vol. 59, no. 4
  • ART : 32310 : Not available for external loan
    A tale of two exceptions : everyday politics of democratic backsliding in Tunisia
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | populism | authoritarianism | politics | coup d'etat effects | transition to democracy effectiveness | public opinion | rural areas | attitude to government | attitude to democracy | fear | nostalgia | personal values | determinants of cooperative behaviour
    Journal of North African studies ; vol. 28, no. 6
  • ART : 31631 : Not available for external loan
    Language, power and identity : discursive construction of post-Revolution national identity in Tunisia
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | social identification | power | Arabs | ethnicity | culture | language | history | religion | collective identity | transition to democracy | discourse analysis | state (political entity) | nation
    Critical discourse studies ; vol. 20, no. 6
  • ART : 32220 : Not available for external loan
    Urban migration governance under the resilience lens : conceptual and empirical insights
    Taylor and Francis
    urban areas | adaptation | governance | migration effects | community resilience | politics | social cohesion | justice | developed countries | developing countries | research needs | Barcelona (Spain) | cross-national analysis | socioeconomic factors | cemeteries | undocumented migrants | refugees | resilience (psychological) | spaces | time | local government's role | attitude to migrants | risk | cultural diversity | population dynamics | Marseille (France) | Tunisia | France | Spain
    Ethnic and racial studies ; vol. 46, no. 13
  • ART : 31154 : Not available for external loan
    Co-partisanship with mayors, institutional performance and citizen trust in local governance institutions : evidence from Tunisia
    Tunisia | politics | corruption | social perception | political parties | civil society's role | transition to democracy | governance | community-institutional relations | trust | local government effectiveness
    Party politics ; vol. 29, no. 5
  • ART : 30821 : Not available for external loan
    Transitional justice as repression and resistance : practices in the Arab world
    Oxford University Press
    transitional justice | Arabs | repression strategies | resistance movements | authoritarianism | recurrence | violence effects | universal jurisdiction | accountability | transition to democracy | truth commissions | prosecution | trials | politics | cross-national analysis | Tunisia | Northern Africa | Western Asia | Syrian Arab Republic
    Journal of international criminal justice ; vol. 21, no. 4
  • ART : 32201 : Not available for external loan
    The intensifying effects of polarised populisms : opposed Islamist and Bourguibist discourses in post-revolutionary Tunisia
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | populism | political ideologies | politics | discourse analysis | transition to democracy | Islamism | secularism
    Journal of North African studies ; vol. 28, no. 5
  • ART : 30493 : Not available for external loan
    'How I learned to stop worrying and love autocracy' : Kais Saied’s 'constitutional self-coup' in Tunisia
    Tunisia | transition to democracy effectiveness | coup d'etat | constitutions | politics | populism | power
    Journal of Asian and African studies ; vol. 58, no. 6