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  • Indigenous groups(1)
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  • Amnesty International (AI)(1)
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  • MON : 1992.045 : Not available for external loan
    India : torture, rape in custody
    Amnesty International
    torture patterns | criminal proceedings | civil proceedings | complaint procedures | police organisation and administration | working conditions | medical complicity in torture | malingering | medical records, false | police medical personnel | forensic medicine | coercion | death certificates, false | medical evidence of torture | torture of family members | students | torture centres | Sikhs | Punjab (India) | state terror | abuse of the elderly | disabled persons | long-term effects of torture | miscarriage | pregnant women | advocacy effectiveness | access to information | arbitrary arrest and detention | human rights violations | state of emergency | wounds and injuries | Jammu and Kashmir [India] | torture effects | Naxal movement (India) | political violence | riot control | protest | natural resources | indigenous groups | Adivasis | Dalits | social groups | caste system | risk of torture | resistance movements | poverty areas | poverty | torture victims, adolescent | state responsibility | criminal behaviour | police personnel | commission of inquiry | prison personnel victimisation | blinding | dehumanisation | mutilation | cases | punishment for torture | punishment of perpetrators | freedom of expression | journalists victimisation | whistleblowers | retaliation | sexual abuse | national courts' role | torture prevention | preventative interventions | missing data | human rights defenders | human rights monitoring | NGO approaches | Amnesty International (AI) | data collection | repression strategies | corruption | legal confessions | torture methods | Guha, Archana | length of proceedings | reparations | police personnel | immunity from prosecution | policing effectiveness | criminal investigation | torture prevention effectiveness | determinants of torture | prisoner treatment | police violence | punishment | torture purposes | political detainees | arrested persons | torture victims, child | torture victims, female | torture victim characteristics | death in custody | rape | torture prevalence | death from torture statistics | armed forces | paramilitaries | police | agents responsible for violations | counterinsurgencies | policing | impunity | denial | nail removal [torture method] | irritants applied on wounds | forcing legs apart | buried alive, partly [torture method] | mock executions | drink deprivation | food deprivation | sleep deprivation [torture method] | water torture | whipping [torture method] | forced nudity | mutilation | irritants | rectum | foreign body insertion | stabbing | burning [torture method] | pressing and crushing [torture method] | electric torture | suspension [torture method] | beatings | India
    Amnesty International (AI)
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