Show record 1 to 10 of 3736 from RCT
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  • UN : CAT/C/DNK/8 : Not available for external loan
    Eighth periodic report submitted by Denmark under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the simplified reporting procedure, due in 2019
    United Nations
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | intelligence service oversight | hate crimes | patient rights | gender dysphoria | intersex persons | evidence admissibility | reparations | risk of torture | peacekeeping personnel | prisoner transfer | military personnel | complaint procedures | police oversight | psychiatric confinement | psychiatric patients, child | physical restraint | policing | prison personnel violence | riot control agents, chemical | death in custody statistics | prisoner violence prevention | prisoner violence statistics | prison health care delivery | solitary confinement prevention | remand detention | prison conditions | prisoners, female | age of criminal responsibility | juvenile detainees | psychiatric hospitals | coercion | administrative detention | forensic evaluation of torture | training of judges | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | training of health personnel | torture victims treatment | prison personnel | torture prevention | training of police personnel | human rights education | universal jurisdiction | extradition | rejected asylum seekers statistics | torture victims | asylum statistics | refoulement prevention | victim services | trafficking in persons victims statistics | domestic violence prevention | institutionalised children | NPMs | national institutions | detainee rights | domestic status | treaty incorporation | torture criminalisation | periodic reports | state compliance | domestic implementation | Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark]
  • MON : 2023.039 : Not available for external loan
    Skam : i spændingsfeltet mellem moralsk kompas og psykisk lidelse
    Hans Reitzel
    universal | shame | therapy | determinants of violence | populism | determinants of radicalisation | social media | interpersonal relations | politics | etiology | mental disorders | mental health | morality | religion | psychology | sociology | history | phenomenology
  • MON : 2023.080 : Not available for external loan
    Lærebog i forvaltningsret
    Hans Reitzel
    Denmark | confidentiality principle | manual [publication type] | complaint procedures | information disclosure | public sector | digital information | case management | whistleblowing | databases | administrative law | information handling | local government's role | community-institutional relations | state obligations
  • MON : 2023.079 : Not available for external loan
    Autisme og den forudsigende hjerne : absolut tænkning i en relativ verden
    universal | autistic disorder | communication disorders | socialisation | neurocognitive disorders | brain | autism spectrum disorder
  • MON : 2023.049 : Not available for external loan
    Brugerinvolvering i sundhedsvæsenet : en personcentreret tilgang på tværs af professioner og sektorer
    Denmark | health care delivery | recovery of function | feedback | social psychiatry | consent to treatment | mental competency | interdisciplinary cooperation | interdisciplinary communication | Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) | outcome assessment (health care) | hospices | elderly care homes | institutionalised persons | home care services | rehabilitation | ambulatory care | psychiatry | hospitals | patient satisfaction | attitude of patients | patient participation | health services
  • ART : 32729 : Not available for external loan
    Fordrevne ukrainere i Danmark : indledende resultater fra DARECO (The Danish Refugee Cohort)
    Københavns Universitet. Institut for Psykologi
    Denmark | Ukrainian refugees | DIGNITY staff publications | DIGNITY projects | functioning | alcohol drinking | social adjustment | well-being | cohort studies | risk factors | PTSD epidemiology | mental disorders epidemiology | mental health status | exposure to warfare epidemiology | traumatic exposure effects
  • MON : 2023.018 : Not available for external loan
    Recovery : at komme sig over psykisk lidelse
    Hans Reitzel
    universal | psychiatry | cross-cultural aspects | social stigma | psychoeducation | family therapy | family members' role | psychosocial interventions | community-based interventions | treatment outcome | monitoring | autistic disorder | attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity | child psychiatry | prisoners | forensic psychiatry | refugees | war victims | veterans | exposure to warfare | psychotherapy | personality disorders therapy | schizophrenia therapy | mental disorders therapy | research | recovery (disorders) classification
  • ART : 30769 : Not available for external loan
    Somatiske lidelser hos ukrainske flygtninge
    Denmark | Ukrainian refugees | commentary [publication type] | mental health status | traumatic exposure | HIV/AIDS | health services needs and demand | chronic disease epidemiology | somatic symptoms | risk factors | health status
    Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 184, no. 18
  • ART : 30770 : Not available for external loan
    Traumer og psykiske lidelser hos nyankomne flygtninge
    Denmark | Ukraine | Ukrainian refugees | commentary [publication type] | mental health status | traumatic exposure | exposure to warfare | mental health services needs and demand | mental health
    Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 184, no. 18
  • ART : 30593 : Not available for external loan
    Juridisk notat om forældelse af krav om erstatning som følge af tortur og umenneskelig- og nedværdigende behandling
    DIGNITY - Dansk Institut Mod Tortur
    CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | UNCAT-14 | freedom from torture | access to courts | ECHR-6 | case law | ECHR-13 | ECHR-3 | international legal instruments | domestic status | torture effects | armed forces | civil responsibility for torture | trials | war on terror | foreign occupation forces | national courts' role | reparations for torture | state obligations | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | Denmark | Iraq | universal
    DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture