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ART : 04164 : Not available for external loan | |
Standarde internationale privind protectia impotriva torturii | |
rum | |
20040000 | |
Colegiul Medicilor Iasi | |
Ciuca, Aurora | |
universal | torture | inhuman treatment | inhuman treatment | torture prevention | ECHR-3 | case law | medical ethics | |
Revista romana de bioetica ; vol. 2, no. 3 | |
ART : 11891 : Not available for external loan | |
Violenta si corporalitate | |
rum | |
20030000 | |
Seminarul de Cercetare Interdisciplinara a Religiilor si Ideologiilor | |
Baja, Francisc | |
violence | torture | psychology | universal | body | concentration camps | teleology | violence | torture | psychology | |
Full text | |
Journal for the study of religions and ideologies ; no. 4 | |