السجل 1 الى 1 من 1 من RCT
اختيار الكل
  • ART : 17380 : Not available for external loan
    Military and police reform after civil wars
    اللُّغَةُ الإِنْجِلِيزِيَّة
    Palgrave MacMillan
    universal | El Salvador | Namibia | Mozambique | South Africa | Zimbabwe | Nicaragua | Guatemala | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Cambodia | Haiti | Kosovo | Angola | Liberia | Rwanda | Sierra Leone | politics | conflict resolution | military reform | police reform | postconflict situations | transition to democracy | policing | international cooperation | peacekeeping forces | organisation and administration
    Contemporary peacemaking : conflict, peace processes and post-war reconstruction / John Darby, Roger Mac Ginty (eds.) - 2nd ed.