Show record 1 to 10 of 378 from RCT
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  • ART : 24744 : Not available for external loan
    A turn for the worse : violence and human rights violations in anglophone Cameroon
    Amnesty International
    counterterrorism | torture methods | national law | beatings | extrajudicial executions | death in custody | torture | human rights violations | incommunicado detention | arbitrary arrest and detention | property destruction | armed forces | killings | Cameroon
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2017.081 : Not available for external loan
    Treasure I$land : how companies are profiting from Australia's abuse of refugees on Nauru
    Amnesty International
    Australia | Nauru | Papua New Guinea | immigration detention | immigration policy | asylum seekers | asylum procedure | business corporations | complicity | human rights violations
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2017.044 : Not available for external loan
    'We want an end to the fear' : abuses under Tunisia's state of emergency
    Amnesty International
    Tunisia | counterterrorism | human rights violations | emergency legislation | arbitrary arrest and detention | torture | freedom of movement | ill treatment | family members
    Amnesty International | AI
  • ART : 23079 : Not available for external loan
    Human slaughterhouse : mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya Prison, Syria
    Amnesty International
    Syrian Arab Republic | Saydnaya prison (Syria) | repression | mass killings | prisoners | torture | crimes against humanity | civil war
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2016.347 : Not available for external loan
    Supplementary NGO report : to the Danish government's 5th periodic report to the UN Commitee on the Rights of the Child
    Denmark | Children | NGO approaches | Advocacy | State compliance | Sustainable development | discrimination | Human rights | Treaties | civil and political rights | Juvenile justice | Family relations | UN. Convention On The Rights Of The Child (1989) | Foster home care | Institutionalised children | Disabled persons | Divorce | Health status | Poverty | Standard of living | Education | recreation | Bullying | Schools | Child abuse | Violence | Sexual abuse | victims, child | Rehabilitation | Asylum seekers, child | refugees, child | Torture victims, child | Youth | Detention | family reunification | unaccompanied refugee minors | Rejected asylum seekers
    DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | Danske Handicaporganisationer | Red Barnet Ungdom | Foreningen Grønlandske Børn | Unicef | AI | Børns Vilkår | Børnesagens Fællesråd | Save the Children
  • MON : 2016.310 : Not available for external loan
    'Punished for Daesh's crimes' : displaced Iraqis abused by militias and government forces
    Amnesty International
    Iraq | armed conflict | warfare | Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) | internal displacement | disappearances | abduction | detention | prisoner treatment | incommunicado detention | torture | inhuman treatment | state agents | non state agents | impunity | legal confessions | criminal justice | death penalty | amnesty law
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2016.311 : Not available for external loan
    Island of despair : Australia's "processing" of refugees on Nauru
    Amnesty International
    Australia | Nauru | immigration detention | immigration policy | asylum seekers | asylum procedure | psychological effects | suicide | health services | children | arbitrary arrest and detention | impunity | intimidation | ill-treatment | national law
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2016.319 : Not available for external loan
    "Make him speak by tomorrow" : torture and other ill-treatment in Thailand
    Amnesty International
    Thailand | torture | counterinsurgencies | beatings | political opposition | repression | detention | policing | crime prevention | drug users | migrant workers
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2016.320 : Not available for external loan
    'It breaks the human' : torture, disease and death in Syria's prisons
    Amnesty International
    Syrian Arab Republic | torture | counterinsurgencies | prisons | death in custody | statistical information | inhuman treatment | state agents | non state agents | torture victims | beatings | rape | sexual abuse | physical torture | psychological torture | solitary confinement | prisoner treatment | prison conditions | health services | degrading treatment | women | disappearances | incommunicado detention | impunity
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2016.199 : Not available for external loan
    'You don't exist' : arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, and torture in Eastern Ukraine
    Amnesty International
    Ukraine | Russian Federation | illegal detention | repression | torture | detention centres | civil war | Luhansk (Ukraine) | Donetsk (Ukraine) | non state agents | state agents | prisoners of war | torture methods | prisoner treatment | withholding treatment | arbitrary arrest and detention
    Amnesty International | AI