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  • ART : 33291 : Not available for external loan
    Written submission on the 65th session for the Committee Against Torture (12th november – 7th december 2018)
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | traditional practices adverse effects | witchcraft | torture prevention effectiveness | indigenous groups victimisation | gender-based violence prevention effectiveness | killings | torture allegations | health services accessibility | transgender persons victimisation | torture victim characteristics | prisoner characteristics | sexual minorities victimisation | private security services | military personnel | police personnel | state agents | human rights defender victimisation | punishment | perpetrator characteristics | non state agents | vigilantism | community attitude | gender roles | domestic implementation effectiveness | state compliance | Peru
    Office for the Defense of Rights and Intersectionality ODRI “Intersectional rights”