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ART : 30511 : Not available for external loan | |
Trembling city : policing Freetown's war-peace transition | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Sage | |
Albrecht, Peter | Christensen, Maya Mynster | |
Sierra Leone | postconflict situations | policing | developing countries | urban areas | Freetown (Sierra Leone) | former combatants | poverty areas | boundaries | vigilantism | youth | human security | spaces | |
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Cooperation and conflict ; vol. 57, no. 4 | |
ART : 26463 : Not available for external loan | |
Urban borderwork : ethnographies of policing | |
English | |
20200600 | |
Sage | |
Christensen, Maya Mynster | Albrecht, Peter | |
universal | policing | urban areas | boundaries | ethnographic methods | social control | fear of crime | commentary [publication type] | police violence | government policy | war on crime | war on terror | governance | border control | emotional responses | |
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Environment and planning D : society and space ; vol. 38, no. 3 | |
ART : 24866 : Not available for external loan | |
Separation and positive accommodation : police reform in Sierra Leone | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Albrecht, Peter | |
Sierra Leone | police reform | postconflict situations | technical cooperation | process and outcome assessment | state (political entity) | local government | chieftaincy | traditional justice | legal pluralism | customary justice | policing | conference paper [publication type] | |
Third world thematics: a TWQ journal ; vol. 2, no. 4 | |
MON : 2018.006 : Not available for external loan | |
Urban insecurity, migrants, and political authority : insights from Nairobi, Beirut, Hargeisa and Yangon | |
English | |
20170000 | |
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) | |
Kyed, Helene Maria | Stepputat, Finn | Albrecht, Peter | Andersen, Lars Erslev | Christensen, Maya Mynster | |
9788776059026 | |
Kenya | Myanmar | Somalia | Lebanon | urban areas | government policy | counterterrorism | international cooperation | humanitarian aid | economic activities | displaced persons | refugees | social cohesion | community-institutional relations | trust | social control | policing | urban development | housing | living conditions | social stress | poverty areas | local government | power | politics | migration | Yangon (Myanmar) | Hargeisa (Somaliland) | Beirut (Lebanon) | Nairobi (Kenya) | conflict | human security | population dynamics | DIGNITY staff publications | |
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ART : 21926 : Not available for external loan | |
The chiefs of community policing in rural Sierra Leone | |
English | |
20151200 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
Albrecht, Peter | |
Sierra Leone | legal pluralism | social control | conservatism | local government | community-institutional relations | bias | law and order | rural areas | police reform | societal effects | policing | |
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Journal of modern African studies ; vol. 53, no. 4 | |
MON : 2014.173 : Not available for external loan | |
Policing and the politics of order-making | |
20150000 | |
Routledge | |
Albrecht, Peter | Kyed, Helene Maria | |
978-0415743303 | |
universal | Philippines | Indonesia | Swaziland | Ghana | South Africa | Mexico | Bolivia | Haiti | Sierra Leone | law and order | policing | police | politics | urban areas | poverty | police personnel | human security | state agents | non state agents | community-institutional relations | community-based interventions | youth | NGOs | social marginalisation | government policy | power | decision making | |
ART : 15970 : Not available for external loan | |
An uneasy marriage: non-state actors and police reform | |
English | |
20091200 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Albrecht, Peter | Buur, Lars | |
Africa | Sierra Leone | policing | police reform | non governmental entities | NGOs | development aid | criminal justice | human security | politics | state (political entity) | postconflict situations | |
Policing and society: an international journal of research and policy ; vol. 19, no. 4 | |