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  • ART : 15832 : Not available for external loan
    Assessing psychopathological problems of children and adolescents from 3 to 17 years in a nationwide representative sample : results of the German health interview and examination survey for children and adolescents (KiGGS)
    Germany | children | Adolescents | immigrants | mental disorders | mental health | Public health | health surveys | Epidemiology | socioeconomic factors | adolescent psychiatry | Child psychiatry | Age factors | Prevalence | Risk factors | Sex factors | socioeconomic factors | Analysis of variance | Parents | Questionnaires | assessment
    European child and adolescent psychiatry ; vol. 17, suppl. 1
  • ART : 14415 : Not available for external loan
    Multicultural assessment of child and adolescent psychopathology with ASEBA and SDQ instruments: research findings, applications, and future directions
    universal | adolescents | children | cultural diversity | forecasting | mental disorders | diagnosis | ethnology | mental health services | assessment | parent-child relations | family | peer group | psychiatric status rating scales | psychometrics | questionnaires
    Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines ; vol. 49, no. 3