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  • ART : 11225 : Not available for external loan
    Community development and its impact on health: South Asian experience
    BMJ Publishing Group
    South-eastern Asia | statistical information | community development | community-based interventions | health | developing countries | health services | community health planning | organisation and administration | community health services | primary health care | public health administration | social change | rural areas
    BMJ ; vol. 328, no. 7443
  • MON : 2001.306 : Not available for external loan
    Applied health research manual : anthropology of health and health care
    Het Spinhuis
    universal | anthropology | community-based interventions | research | data collection | research design | review [publication type] | interviewing | statistics | medical ethics | data processing | data interpretation | manual | health | science | education | health services | culture | mental health | elderly | youth | children | reproductive health | HIV/AIDS