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  • ART : 30559 : Not available for external loan
    Patterns of gender-based violence in conflict-affected Ukraine : a descriptive analysis of internally displaced and local women receiving psychosocial services
    Ukraine | gender-based violence epidemiology | war victims | displaced persons | Ukrainians | violence against women epidemiology | psychosocial interventions | domestic violence epidemiology | psychological abuse | agents responsible for violations | military personnel | state agents | non state agents | spouses | emergencies | Donbas (Ukraine)
    Journal of interpersonal violence ; vol. 37, no. 23-24
  • ART : 24534 : Not available for external loan
    Global posttrauma symptoms : a systematic review of qualitative literature
    universal | life change events | emotional trauma | developing countries | assessment | symptoms | psychiatric status rating scales | PTSD | cross-cultural comparison | mental health | review [publication type] | contextual analysis | violence | ethnicity
    Trauma, violence and abuse ; vol. 21, no. 2