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  • ART : 31879 : Not available for external loan
    Self-injury and the embodiment of solitary confinement among adult men in Louisiana prisons
    solitary confinement effects | prisoners, male, adult | prisoner discipline | prisons | social control | psychological effects of isolation | suicidal ideation | causality | self-injurious behaviour | review [publication type] | dehumanisation | prisoner treatment | accountability | mental health | penal policy | United States
    SSM - population health ; vol. 22
  • ART : 29224 : Not available for external loan
    Medical isolation and solitary confinement : balancing health and humanity in US jails and prisons during COVID-19
    communicable disease control | solitary confinement, medical | prisons | pandemics | quarantine effects | advocacy | solitary confinement, punitive | comparison | infection control | prison health care delivery | patient isolation | social isolation | United States
    Journal of general internal medicine ; vol. 35, no. 9
  • ART : 20654 : Not available for external loan
    Public health and solitary confinement in the United States
    American Public Health Association
    United States | solitary confinement | statistical information | self-injurious behaviour | doctor's role | advocacy | health status | working conditions | prison personnel | prisoner violence | prison reform | human rights | prisoner punishment | epidemiology | prisoner treatment | imprisonment | public health | prison conditions | children in conflict with the law | adolescents | young adult | adult | prisoners | living conditions | suicide | homosexuals | transgender persons
    American journal of public health ; vol. 105, no. 1