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  • ART : 22805 : Not available for external loan
    Communities are not all created equal : strategies to prevent violence affecting youth in the United States
    Palgrave Macmillan
    United States | violence | prevention | crime prevention | interventions | urban areas | youth | public health | community-based interventions | community resilience | risk factors | sociocultural factors | process and outcome assessment
    Journal of public health policy ; vol. 37, supplement 1
  • ART : 22799 : Not available for external loan
    Transforming our world : implementing the 2030 agenda through sustainable development goal indicators
    Palgrave Macmillan
    universal | sustainable development | goals | violence | risk factors | prevention | international cooperation | World Health Organization (WHO) | Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA) | NGO approaches | intergovernmental organisations | indicators | institutional reform | social change | gender discrimination | process and outcome assessment | impact
    Journal of public health policy ; vol. 37, supplement 1