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MON : 2016.068 : Not available for external loan | |
My kind of town | |
20150000 | |
Chicago Dramaworks | |
Conroy, John | |
9780692504277 | |
United States | policing | police | urban areas | Chicago (United States) | interrogation | torturers | police personnel | criminal investigation | lawyers | family members | detainees | torture victims | fictional work [publication type] | theatre | torture representation | drama | |
ART : 07938 : Not available for external loan | |
Up for it | |
English | |
20000900 | |
New Internationalist | |
Conroy, John | |
universal | torture | psychology | human rights violations | perpetrators | |
New internationalist ; no. 327 | |
MON : 2000.048 : Not available for external loan | |
Unspeakable acts, ordinary people : the dynamics of torture | |
English | |
20000000 | |
Alfred A. Knopf | |
Conroy, John | |
0-679-41918-7 | |
Greece | United Kingdom | Israel | United States | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | agents responsible for violations | inhuman treatment | legal proceedings | mental health | police | political systems | psychology | trials | torture | torture victims | violence | torturers | torture methods | physical torture | training | evil | adaptation | ESA | Chicago (United States) | obedience | humiliation | power | |
ART : 04515 : Not available for external loan | |
The internment | |
English | |
19920000 | |
Conroy, John | |
Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | United Kingdom | administration of justice | agents responsible for violations | detainees | health | history | human rights violations | impunity | inhuman treatment | law and order | mental health | police | prison conditions | psychology | religious groups | torture methods | torture victims | wounds and injuries | interrogation techniques | torture by sound | positional torture | hooding [torture method] | Irish Republican Army (IRA) | |
Granta ; no. 39(Spring) | |
ART : 06126 : Not available for external loan | |
Capital crimes | |
English | |
19901130 | |
Conroy, John | |
United States | death penalty | criminal law | executions | Crimes | |
Reader : Chigago's free weekly ; vol. 20, no. 9 | |
ART : 00060 : Not available for external loan | |
House of screams : torture by electroshock : could it happen in a Chicago police station? Did it happen at Area 2? | |
English | |
19900126 | |
Conroy, John | |
United States | torture | torture victims | detainees | police | detention | torture methods | electric torture | |
Reader ; vol. 19, no. 17 | |
ART : 00530 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture | |
English | |
19880805 | |
Conroy, John | |
universal | Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Victims of Torture | victims | |
Reader | |