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  • ART : 29441 : Not available for external loan
    Qualitative study on mental health and well-being of Syrian refugees and their coping mechanisms towards integration in the UK
    BMJ Publishing Group
    United Kingdom | Syrian refugees | resettlement effects | well-being | coping behaviour | social adjustment | separation anxiety | grief | homesickness | social stress | help seeking behaviour | religiosity | social stigma | attitude to mental health | communication barriers | mental health services utilisation | qualitative methods | social support | adaptation
    BMJ open ; vol. 11, no. 8
  • TORT : 12.1.6 : Not available for external loan
    Presenting evidence of torture at immigration tribunals in the United Kingdom
    asylum proceedings | letter [publication type] | doctor's role | effectiveness | medicolegal reports | forensic evaluation of torture | witnesses | expert testimony | evidence of torture | court procedure | United Kingdom
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 22, no. 1
  • TORT : 11.3.4 : Not available for external loan
    Near-death experience and out of body phenomenon during torture : a case report
    United Kingdom | Africa | attitude to death | consciousness | out of body experiences | near death experiences | case report [publication type] | death | physiology | torture victims | torture | torture methods | torturers | heart arrest | physiopathology | African refugees
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 21, no. 3