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  • ART : 29625 : Not available for external loan
    Against interrogational torture : upholding a troubled taboo
    Palgrave Macmillan
    attitude to torture | attitude change | torture definition | torture justifiability | torture methods | torture threshold | interrogation | absolute prohibition of torture | ticking bomb scenario | rule of law | utilitarianism | ethics | morality | universal
    The Palgrave handbook of philosophy and public policy / David Boonin (ed.) - ISBN 978-3-319-93906-3
  • ART : 15846 : Not available for external loan
    What's wrong with torture?
    Philosophy Documentation Center
    United States | universal | torture justifiability | national security | counterterrorism | torture definition | belief systems | morality | law | politics
    International philosophical quarterly ; vol. 49, no. 3