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ART : 25064 : Not available for external loan | |
Community work in the ongoing crisis context of Gaza : integrating a public health and human rights approach | |
English | |
20180900 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Diab, Marwan | Veronese, Guido | Abu Jamei, Yasser | Hamam, Rawia | Saleh, Sally | Kagee, Ashraf | |
community mental health services | adolescents | children | bereavement | grief | PTSD | crisis intervention | counselling | treatment models | psychoeducation | primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention | Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) | NGO approaches | community-based interventions | psychological resilience | warfare | political violence | family therapy | well-being | case study [publication type] | prevention and control | public health | human rights violations | emotional trauma | Gaza Strip | torture victims | war victims | Palestine, State of | |
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Australian and New Zealand journal of family therapy ; vol. 39, no. 3 | |
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ART : 23012 : Not available for external loan | |
Psychosocial group intervention among war-affected children : an analysis of changes in posttraumatic cognitions | |
English | |
20161200 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Kangaslampi,Samuli | Punamaki, Raija-Leena | Qouta, Samir | Diab, Marwan | Peltonen, Kirsi | |
Palestine, State of | post-traumatic stress | symptoms | recovery (disorders) | determinants | psychosocial interventions | children | war victims | Palestinians | depression | cognition | mental health | health status | Gaza Strip | |
Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 29, no. 6 | |
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ART : 20478 : Not available for external loan | |
Trajectories of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) after major war among Palestinian children : trauma, family- and child-related predictors | |
English | |
20150201 | |
Elsevier | |
Punamäki, Raija-Leena | Palosaari, Esa | Diab, Marwan | Peltonen, Kirsi | Qouta, Samir R. | |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied | armed conflict | psychological effects | children | adolescents | PTSD | symptoms | object attachment | family relations | guilt | emotional regulation | emotional trauma | father-child relations | |
Journal of affective disorders ; vol. 172 | |
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ART : 20821 : Not available for external loan | |
Resilience among children in war : the role of multilevel social factors | |
English | |
20141200 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Peltonen, Kirsi | Qouta, Samir R. | Diab, Marwan | Punamaki, Raija-Leena | |
Palestine, State of | armed conflict | psychological resilience | protective factors | children | adolescents | sex factors | interpersonal relations | peer group | adolescent development | child development | Palestinians | |
Traumatology ; vol. 20, no. 4 | |
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ART : 19429 : Not available for external loan | |
Intergenerational effects of war trauma among Palestinian families mediated via psychological maltreatment | |
English | |
20131100 | |
Elsevier | |
Palosaari, Esa | Punamäki, Raija-Leena | Qouta, Samir | Diab, Marwan | |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied | children | adolescents | armed conflict | family | psychological effects | emotional trauma | family | torture | object attachment | intergenerational effects | societal effects | former prisoners | PTSD | determinants | fathers | mothers | risk factors | |
Child abuse and neglect ; vol. 37, no. 11 | |
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ART : 18628 : Not available for external loan | |
Intervention effectiveness among war-affected children: a cluster randomized controlled trial on improving mental health | |
English | |
20120600 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Qouta, Samir R. | Palosaari, Esa | Diab, Marwan | Punamäki, Raija-Leena | |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied | cognitive therapy | depression | mental health | psychosocial interventions | armed conflict | outcome assessment | PTSD | schools | |
Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 25, no. 3 | |
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