Show record 1 to 3 of 3 from RCT
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  • ART : 30526 : Not available for external loan
    Differences in labour market marginalisation between refugees, non-refugee immigrants and Swedish-born youth : role of age at arrival and residency duration
    Sweden | refugees, young adult | immigrants, young adult | Swedes, young adult | unemployment | disability pension | comparative study | time factors | age at migration | length of stay | morbidity | cohort studies | health status | mental health status | childhood experiences, adverse effects | early experience | resettlement
    Scandinavian journal of public health ; vol. 51, no. 3
  • ART : 31684 : Not available for external loan
    Differences in all-cause and cause-specific mortality due to external causes and suicide between young adult refugees, non-refugee immigrants and Swedish-born young adults : the role of education and migration-related factors
    Sweden | refugees, young adult | immigrants, young adult | Swedes, young adult | mortality | suicide | risk factors | educational status | postmigration factors | death cause
    PLOS One ; vol. 17, no. 12
  • ART : 26619 : Not available for external loan
    Country of birth, time period of resettlement and subsequent treated common mental disorders in young refugees in Sweden
    Oxford University Press
    Sweden | refugees, adolescent | refugees, young adult | mental health | mental disorders | therapy | risk factors | treatment outcome | country of origin | time factors | length of stay | cross-cultural comparison | Swedes, adolescent | Swedes, young adult | mental health services accessibility | health care utilisation | Iranian refugees | cohort studies
    European journal of public health ; vol. 30, no. 6